Design For Development’s Bambulance Project is a finalist in the INDEX Awards. In addition to being up for the Community Award, the DFD Bambulance also has the opportunity to win the People’s Choice Award – through a system of online and in-person voting. Poll closes this Friday (28 Aug).
- Follow the link below to the Bambulance Project.
- Click on the pink “Vote For People’s Choice Award” button to help us win the People’s Choice Award! (You can also win a prize :) )
The Bambulance Project was a final year student project - students at Emily Carr Institute in Vancouver - and look how far it's come! Check out the YouTube link to the making of the Bambulance.
DFD is a Canadian Charity that I (yes, Sue, your PD Lecturer) co-founded with Niki Dun in 2006. I'd really appreciate it if you could support us - and vote for the Bambulance. You can also check out DFD's twitter.