Ceramic Water Filters
Ceramic Water Filters are a low-tech solution to the problems of water pollution that threaten a third of the worlds population.
Potters for Peace founded in Nicaragua, in 1986 is a network of volunteers, supporters, educators, technicians and potters that work mainly in Central America and abroad with ceramic water filter projects all over the world.
Traveling the world and teaching the fabrication of low-cost ceramic water filters is what PFP has been doing since 1998, bringing cleaner, potable water to those who need it most.
Low-cost colloidal silver-enhanced ceramic water purifiers have shown in the field that they eliminate 99.88% of most water born disease agents.
Ceramic water filters are a very simple design; a pressed bucket shape 11 W x 10 D, made from a combustible of some kind (such as rice husks or local sawdust) and a local terra-cotta clay.
Milled and screened, the combustible material is burned out in the firing, leaving fine pores, then coated with colloidal silver.
The bacterial properties of the silver and the fine pores create and effective filter.
Between one and three liters of potable water can be effectively filtered per hour with a fine tuned firing process, and the final cost is between 10-15U$ per unit, with replacement filters costing only 4U$ dollars.
Ceramic water filters are manufactured to accommodate over the top of a five-gallon bucket with a spicket for water collection.
While the transportation and production costs will tend to vary from country to country, three or four workers in a basic factory could produce around 50 ceramic water filters a day.
Ceramic water filters are a low-tech solution to cleansing dirty drinking water, a solution that could save the lives of children the world over.